My game project just crashed while saving and now it do not want to open without crashing at 93%. The last thing I did was working on my animation blueprint and doing a redo (ctrl-z). After that I have hit the save button and my project crashed. Now it do not want to open. I tried to move files, and when I moved away my animation file, it opened properly. I was thinking that I just losed small amount of work but now I can’t open anything… no levels, static meshes, blueprints, etc… It has been 8 month that I work hard on this project but now i can’t recover it… Please help me…
Do you get the crash report windows? Is this a blueprint only project?
Also, if you are not using source code control, start now. It is a must.
I have my SVN server on one harddrive, the project on another harddrive. Both are backed up to TWO external hard drives. I also have Windows backing up both hourly and then weekly I back up both. It is the only way to recover.
Look in your Epic game directory for crash logs.
Thanks for your answer, but I think I am going to save more time if I just start the project from the begining, I already have my 3d models and materials, so I only need to do the coding (blueprint only) and my levels. That is going to take me a lot of time but I pretty much need to, I get a message that say that my blueprints may crash the engine if I open them… And they do.