I’ve attempted to learn the editor in the past, but couldn’t stick to one thing at a time. I always started something, started something else, changed that idea a dozen times, then gave up because I couldn’t do the original thing.
So now i’m using Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead as someting to keep me on track.
Idea is to transfer as much of the game into a first person environment whilst keeping the grid based movement.
There’s gonna be lots of questions as help i’ve found so far is either outdated or is not what i’m looking for.
I’ve got a basic movement system, up/down moves you 100 units, lef/right rotate you 90 degress. It’s not ideal as sometimes the move distance is thrown off somehow.
What would be the best way to setup movement? I’d like a system where you can move forwards/backwards and sidestep left/right 100 units and rotate left/right 90 degrees.