Project can't start with plugin

Hey there.

I’m new at UE and I need some help with the following problem.
I’ve got a problem with WindowsTextureMovie-Plugin.
I was looking for animated textures and the only thing I found was this plugin:

After installation and activation in plugins-window my UE-project can’t start anymore. I get following message:
“The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version:
Would you like to rebuilt them now?”

If I say Yes… “CHShopV002 could not be compiled. Try rebuilding from source manually.”
if I say No… project doesn’t start

I tried manual deleting all plugin-files but than I get the message: “This project needs WindowsTextureMovie-Plugin”

So what can I do to restore my project?

…by the way, any idea how can I use animated textures?
(video with about 250 Frames)

Thanx for help !!

OK, thanx

also found the solution for deactivate plugin from outside the editor:


That plug-in is no longer supported. It has been superseded by the MediaPlayer and MediaTexture assets in the Content Browser. See here and here.