Project Build has black screen on Quest 1 - OBB or File Size Issue?

I have a mid-sized architectural level that I’m trying to build for the Oculus Quest 1. I’ve packaged this project successfully for the Oculus Rift (DesktopVR), but when I package and install to the Quest and launch the app, the HMD remains black.

I think that the problem is the size of the OBB file I’m generating. If I package my main level, the OBB file is around 1.9GB and the APK is around 113MB. I don’t know why this would be an issue as I thought there was a 2GB OBB limit for the Quest, and even my largest OBB file is under that. However, I’ve tested this by progressively deleting content from my level and re-packaging, and every version with an OBB under 1GB runs on the Quest, every OBB over 1GB fails to load.

Some relevant things from my Project Settings:

Package Game Data Inside .APK [unchecked]
Disable verify OBB [checked]
Allow Large OBB files [checked]
Package for Oculus Mobile Devices [Oculus Quest]
Remove Oculus Signature Files [checked]

Is there anything that I might be missing? I’m installing by connecting the Quest with a USB cable and running the install .bat file from Windows. I can see that there are options in the Project Settings to “Allow Patch OBB files” and “Allow Overflow OBB files”, but I don’t understand how to setup a project with multiple .APK files, and in any case, I thought I should be fine with an OBB under 2GB.