Is it possible to refresh a [Project Browser] thumbnail so it reflects current project’s startup view?
Some of my project thumbnails are completely out of date and show a snapshot of content that no longer exists.
Is it possible to refresh a [Project Browser] thumbnail so it reflects current project’s startup view?
Some of my project thumbnails are completely out of date and show a snapshot of content that no longer exists.
You can make a Picture of your Choice and set it in “Projekt Settings” as preview Picture.
Thanks, those settings may come in handy later, but for now it isn’t so important that I must start creating specific thumbnails for each project. I just want to (somehow) refresh Project Browser images so they reflect most recent project startup view.
Some thumbnails do seem to change from time to time. Some are more up-to-date than others. However, I don’t know what condition triggers this update. I would like to know so I can do it manually for a quick refresh.
Ah, ok so You want Generated Pictures… badly i also dont know how they are made:(
Hey ,
project thumbnail in Project Browser should be an image of last viewport that was selected at its zoom level. So if you opened a level other than your project’s default level and that was last one opened, that should become project’s thumbnail. It should update every time you close project. Are you seeing something different?
Hi ,
Yes I do see something different, however, I think I figured out bug.
Here is how I reproduce it:
Launch UE4.3.
In project browser create a new blank Blueprint project called THUMBNAILTEST
(include starter content).
scene opens up showing default level with two chairs and a table.
Click Toolbar:Save
Click File->Save All Levels
Click File->Save All
(yes that is overkill, but there is a reason I do it:
Toolbar:[Save] vs File->Save All Levels (v4.3) - World Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums).
Click File->Exit to shut down UE4.
Reopen UE4.3.
In Project Browser, thumbnail for THUMBNAILTEST project correctly depicts last saved view of project i.e. two chairs and a table.
Undock viewport so it is ‘floating’
(I have viewport on a second monitor)
This seems to be culprit!
Delete chairs and leave table, then
Click Toolbar:Save
Click File->Save All Levels
Click File->Save All
Click File->Exit to shut down UE4
Reopen UE4.3.
In Project Browser thumbnail for THUMBNAILTEST project has not updated.
It still shows thumbnail from step (5)
It is a fairly soft bug so no urgency. It was irritating me until I figured out how to work around it.
Hey ,
Thanks for investigating issue! I’m not sure why, but having an undocked Viewport doesn’t update thumbnail as expected. That does indeed seem to be a bug, so I will put a report in our system for developers to look over.
I have same issue in 4.8
Same problem in 4.12.4.