Project adding actor all the time when starting without VS


I’ve realized in the Scene Outliner that my project is adding Actors each frame, when i start it without Visual Studio.
When I compile the Game through VS, everything works fine.

Is this normal?

Hi Sleicreider,

What version of the Editor are you using? Is this only happening in one project, or do you see the same behavior in a new project from one of the templates? Can you provide steps to reproduce the issue?

hmm, somehow it’s working now, strange
I think I always have to recompile the project in the editor, If I start without VS? (“Compile” on the top of the editor)

It should not be necessary to always use the hot recompile in the Editor. We have made improvements in that area to increase the number of situations where a hot recompile will work, but there will still be instances when you will have to recompile in Visual Studio. If you run into this issue again, please let us know.