Updating an app through Google Play or App Store erases all of my players’ previous progress. Can this be prevented? I’ve seen other topics on the matter but never a working answer.
Checkbox Use ExternalFilesDir for UE4Game files ? is enabled but doesn’t seem to do anything.
Thanks for the answer, I’m currently trying to apply your method although I’m using a Mac computer so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to follow all the steps.
Also, does this method work for iOS apps too?
virtual FString GetSaveGamePath(const TCHAR* Name)
// ProjectSettings->Platforms->Android->APKPackaging->AndroidPackageName()
FString BundleID = FString(FPlatformProcess::GetGameBundleId());
// ProjectSettings->Description->ProjectName()
FString AppName = FString(FApp::GetProjectName());
return FString::Printf(TEXT("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/%s/files/UE4Game/%s/%s/Saved/SaveGames/%s.sav"), *BundleID,
*AppName, *AppName, Name);
return FString::Printf(TEXT("%sSaveGames/%s.sav"), *FPaths::ProjectSavedDir(), Name);
Well, like for Android, it definitely works(my screenshot) … and for the ios and android he wrote discord (this screenshot)
P.S i not work in ios, so I can’t test this code
Hi, thanks for taking the time to answer, it’s very kind of you.
Yesterday I followed the steps on the thread you shared, installing command line tools and the latest SDK and NDK versions but I don’t know how to specify the folders in the engine because I can’t find them on Mac.
Also, I can’t understand what I have to do with that code, I’ve only worked with blueprint so far. I’ll do some research and see if I can figure something out.
Thanks again!