I have followed the UMG tutorial and generated a hud. When I press the button assigned to simulate health loss the bar does not update until it is empty. I set up text blocks to show the health as text just like the ammo setup. My health counts down correctly yet the bar does not empty until the health value reaches 0. I was wondering what I need to do to have the progress bar update correctly and show a decrease correctly.
I also setup a regen and when the health bar is empty it refills at rate equal to my delay.
I am also trying to setup a percent display showing current health vs. max health. Not exactly sure how to get this to function correctly.
I had the same problem. My Health variable was set to 100 and my damage was set to 10. To fix the problem I changed my health variable to 1 (and scaled damage down appropriately to 0.1)
I’m having the same problem! Tested with recently released 4.6
MrGrins answer solves the problem, go for it.
I don’t know where it can’t get the value and properly convert since this function is supposed to return any value in percentage.
Thanks for the advice. After looking at it all I somehow overlooked the percentage when you make a binding in umg. I have it working great now and also have my percentage text working.
After a second thought, the function expects a variable to be presented in percentage so it goes directly into the bar.
The correct way to do this is use any valor you need and then divide by 100 befor feeding the variable into the function.
There’s no need to go back and change values in the character, but update the value when it reaches HUD’s bar.
If you get a value that can go above or below 0…1 after being divided by 100, there’s a function called CLAMP: Input the minimun and maximum value expected for a neat limiter.