I hope this issue was not already reported.
Maybe I am doing something wrong.
I had the trouble on a 2D Side Scroller C++ project, but the screenshots was taken on a new Blank Blueprint project with only the widget and two textures used for the progress bar.
The first time I saw this issue it was on 4.9, but it still there on 4.10.
Like I said in my post, I can reproduce it in a clean project.
First I create a blank project, after I create a Widget Blueprint and import two textures.
I open my Widget Blueprint, drag and drop a Progress Bar from the Palette.
I set the Background Image and the Fill Image with my textures. I set them as Image in Draw As.
After that, I set the Percent in Progress to see the filling.
Then I set Bar Fill Type to Fill From Center.
I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report ( UE-24904) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for you time and information.
Currently it appears our resources are dedicated elsewhere. We don’t have a timeframe for when this may be addressed. Please keep in mind that with source code access, a programmer on your project can implement your own solution, and you are welcome to share that result with Epic for possible integration.
Hello, since its been over 3 years and this bug has not fixed/resolved and the original pull request from above is closed due to not following the Unreal style guide. I have submitted my pull request for this fix. Please somebody from epic integrate/take a look at it.