Programmer with experience/specialty in optimization and compatibility 4 Desktop PCs

Hi everyone, we’re in the development of an indie sci-fi adventure game called Wormhole City that is currently in the Early Access phase on Steam. While more content is being produced, we are looking for a programmer with experience in optimization and compatibility to make our game accessible to players with different OS or CPU hardware;

Wormhole City is being developed using UE4 version 4.10.4 , our preferences on programmer knowledge is listed below;

  • Experience in C++
  • Advanced understanding of resource management for optimal CPU performance in Unreal 4.
  • Capable of identifying the requirements needed to port a Windows 10 game to Windows 7

If you are interested in this position please let us us know your experience in this department and what your cost may be, this offering is listed as [Possible Paid] because we may start a crowdfunding campaign to aid in the resources needed for this position with appropriate credits attributed in our game.

Please PM us with your messages and we’d like to know your thoughts. Thank you for your time.

  • if you are a programmer who is interested in creating game content (enemies, levels, ai, etc) please also PM us if you may have an offer in mind.

If you would like to e-mail us at zenrokstudios@outlook dot com, please do so.