Programmer / Developer (Blueprints) Looking For Work

Hello, my name is Gökay and I have 5 years of experience on several parts of game development.

I have developed and publish some games. I developed all of them just by myself through event scripting, UI, AI, gameplay systems. I work on BLUEPRINTs, NO C++.

You can see my projects on YouTube or on Steam page:

Finished Projects:

Ongoing Projects

Discord ID: w0hoho#7722

Steam: Welcome to Steam
Discord: QuickSave


Video links have been updated.

I’m interested to talk with you for our project , please add me on discord : .

New games and links are added.

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Lets talk I have some ideas in mind
What is your discord? @w0hoho

I sent you a discord request

Hey @w0hoho,

I just sent you an Email & Discord friend request. Hope you can have a look when you get a moment.

Looking to hear from you. Thanks!


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