So I’m trying to find anything on how to achieve setting the OCIO Display value in the Unreal Editor Viewport (using Python) - I found this bug report from about a year ago that seems to be marked as resolved but I cannot find any details with respect to achieving the goal. I also found this class that seems potentially related, but when I tried setting it up in my scene it didn’t achieve what I was hoping for. Does anyone have any information on how to accomplish this?
You could probably just do it with blueprints. Just make sure the open color IO plugin is enabled.
A video with an added flip flop switch to show the display in realtime
Not sure how you would reference the ocio config in python. Maybe get a content dir and then pass in the directory and config file?
I’m able to create the OCIO Config using the OpenColorIOConfiguration asset class and manually when I plug it in it all works - I’m very new to blueprints, are they made programmatically? The goal of this is to create a shelf button so if I can’t easily script the behavior unfortunately it’s not super useful
It’s inside of an Editor Utility Widget so it can be docked in the viewport where needed.
You can also access OCIO from the viewport
You can only access “Set Active Viewport Configuration” from within Editor Utility Widgets. The node doesn’t show up in normal game blueprints (actor, pawn, character etc)
If you want to trigger it in game then this might work: (though not tested in packed)
You could also use c++ do to this but it would be overkill.