Professional screaming for video games, is it possible?

I just got this new studio microphone recently and have been testing around with it, I learnt at a young age how to do metal vocals and was testing if this could be implemented into gaming somehow for me to benefit from, so i tested around with this. I am also looking into the possibility of just not war cries and screams but actual character voice acting if that is possible.

This is a one take four screams clip and made 3 different versions all with lower levels of pitch.

So if anyone knows if this is possible to get work with i would love to know tips on how to obtain that goal since i am completely oblivious to this part of the industry.

Definitely talent there. I can’t think of any projects we would need something like that you showcased, but if so definitely would reach out to you I’m sure. You should put up various different voices and such so companies can see your abilities more easily.

Salutations GlithKing,

If you get a fairly sizable variety you could probably make some money off the marketplace :slight_smile:

I would look into making a plain and general (not basic or generic) asset pack for the marketplace. Then from there and here, you should market more specialized screams; like screaming a name or in a certain tone. Specializing for developers would be the best route, if the only. I know I could use your service for my game.

Good luck!