Professional Programmer Looking for UE4 Mentor. Can Trade Mod Labor/Web-app Development Tutoring

Hi. XCOM 2 is coming out, and I’d like to make a mod for it. Until that time I have ~5 months @ 10-15 hours/week to help you with your project(s) and/or teach you front-end development if you’re interested in helping mentor me.


Intermediate Skills: Javascript, Ruby
Low-level Skills: C++, Visual Basic, Python, Photoshop, original Valve Hammer Editor


Hello boblikesoup,

Your programming skills will transfer over directly with UE4 C++ development and Blueprints visual scripting. I can program in C++, but strickly develop with Blueprints. For me, developing with Blueprints doesn’t break my immersion with UnrealEd, keeping my workflow consistent for rapid iteration. There are other advantages such as blueprinting apps for the marketplace. For mentoring, I would recommend starting with Blueprints, then dabbling into the UnrealEditor Suite (which most of the tools are node-base or tie into BP). A run through Samples & Video Tutorials will expose you to all of the tools and features of the engine to get you up to speed in no time.

Thanks for the heads up. Blueprints looks amazing I’ll start there and then play around with level design.

Any takers? I understand tutorials are learnable but they are often out of date like this one that has a few differences just a minute in that have caused me take take x5 longer than I should. A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

That was my first assignment as a mentor. Think of it as a initiation. It will acclimate you to UnrealEd. It also demonstrates initiative, motivation, and will to learn UE4 on your part. These traits are also necessary to push through the tough times, where there is no example to work from, if you aim to develop something tangible. I learned on my own with help of those samples, tutorials and community, there is no easy way.

Just sent a PM

Boblikesoup, I reviewed the video, it is out of date. No prob, I’ve worked with UE4 since ver 4.3.

Info Required:

Your Availability in GMT

Tools Required:

UnrealEngine 4.8 (I personally use the compiled version)
Perforce Client - Source Control. Built-in UE4. User Guide’s: Brief, Detailed
Skype - Instant Messaging - Screen Sharing

Thanks @TechLord PM sent.