Professional Creative Team seeking an Unreal Engine 5 Software Engineer [Revenue Sharing]


Our Writer and Head Developer
Here is work we’ve done together:

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Usual questions:

  • is this royalty or paid?
  • what is scope of this project, game genre if its game etc.
  • multiplayer or single, target platforms, consoles, mobile, steam integration etc.
  • if its multiplayer, that software engineer includes creating backend?

Oops, I should have included that info to begin with. Thanks for reaching out!

This is a revenue sharing model. Our team is looking for someone to be a permanent member to produce multiple games, starting with an aquatic epic science fiction survival game. The world and story are in development currently, and it’s very unique, so we decided to begin pre-production on it immediately, and we plan on making a movie, comic books and a deck for our trading card game.
The game will be open world survival with small scale PVP (6v6 and 12v12 instanced battles).
We need someone who will be patient with us at first that understands that we’re experts in other creative industries so we may misuse game development terms and be ignorant in some areas until we have the workflow down.
Having said that, our Head Developer has been training his entire life for this and he understands the capabilities of UE5 in relation to what is needed in the game, and the Early Access version of the game has been envisioned to be very doable.

If you’re interested, I can go into more detail in a Discord meeting.

While i am not interested in this project i want to point out what i think (estimate what you need from programmers):

  • survival multiplayer (PVE) and PVP, requires backend/server code (so one coder just for this, probably python, linux and some unreal). And maybe one serious admin/IT.
  • because of PVP you need at least one coder that makes it and then balances PVP
  • PVE needs another coder or even few, to create connection to database (backend), code for crafting, some RPG elements (like shops, inventory, storage etc)
  • open world requires another coder/technical artist (with accent of coding, creating level developer tools, some procedural content generating tools) Material systems, optimizing, niagara.

So at least 4-5 coders. Then some level designers. Some artists for sound, character models, animation. Huge team. And most indie projects fail at creating teams, or have too big project for their teams, then nobody joins because progress is very slow, then people leave.

This is not a large project. We’re developing the Early Access version of the game to be doable with a small team.
It seems like you’re trying to discourage us.

Compared to Unreal Engine 4, Unreal Engine 5 enables developers to more easily create real-time 3D content and experiences. Additionally, UE5 includes updates to the Unreal Editor and enhanced animation and development tools

Not trying to discourage you folks. Just giving some head ups about what you realistically need.

Each subsystem like client multiplayer, backend etc. needs one coder at least. It just takes ages to code that in indie dev team.

I’m aware of what we need.

Yep, it’s amazing what UE5 is capable of!