Product Viewer - Changing the camera sensitivity speed when orbiting close up

Hi all,

I recently did a survey of my project at work with random people and one comment I got was the sensitivity of the camera was a bit too fast for people when they were close up to parts of the product. I’m not good with blueprints when it comes to the technical stuff so this is pretty tricky for me. Is there any way that I can make an automatic sensitivity change the closer you get to a component?

Thank in advance!

You could do something like the following, tried on 4.21 version of the template:

  1. Open the Event Graph in ProductViewer_Base_Pawn Blueprint
  2. Create a new variable to store a factor based on the distance between the center of manipulation and the camera. In the example the factor will varie from 0.2 to 1 between 0 to 200(cm) distance to camera and then will remain at 1.0 for further distance. Look for “camera dolly” block in event graph
  3. Use this factor to impact rotation speed and translation speed. Look for “camera orbit” and “pan camera” in event graph

Worked perfectly! Thank you so much for your help again, UE_FlavienP!

Thanks - this is helpful - however I’ve been struggling with this at building scale - as panning appears to be super slow. Am I missing something here as whatever multiplier I apply (have even tried changing it dynamically at run time) doesn’t really give me any noticeable increase in panning distance.

I assume this post and query will be redundant when 4.23 drops fully with its refactored collaborative design review template

Hello David,
you multiplying the world direction vector or the scale should have the same effect.
Maybe your value is not big enough?

You are right there will be some improvement and refactoring in 4.23 collaborative design review template.
The product viewer has evolved several time since your first message last year.
The overall structure is the same so you should easily find the functions used for pan, orbit and zoom.