I have some question about the different product’s available.
Before reading my questions notice that I have read the product comparison on CapturingReality’s website. I am asking these questions to get an better idea of the different product and what is the best option for me and my customer.
If you buy the “RealityCapture Promo” license for 3 months, and this license expires after the 3 months, can you extend the license again for 3 months after it has expired? And can you always extend the monthly license after expiration?
Does “RealityCapture PGM” allow you to use laser-scans? I have read on this forum that you can’t use laser-scans if you use the PGM license. If this is true, does this restriction also apply to the “RealityCapture Promo” and the “RealityCapture Steam version” licenses?
Are there more restrictions to the “RealityCapture Promo” and the “RealityCapture Steam version” compared to the “RealityCapture PGM” license?
Is the only difference between “RealityCapture Promo” and the Steam version that you have to get an internetconnection to use the steam version? If there are more differences could you tell me what those are?
And for the “RealityCapture CLI”. I can understand that CLI is great for automation and scripting but are there more significant benefits to CLI compared to the rest of the product available?
Thanks for reading this.
-Patrick Hutten
To answer some of your questions:
You cannot ‘extend’ the license as is for the promo but you can simply purchase a new 3-month-license and RC will use it once you start the program and it checks for a license. You may have to provide your credentials for RC though.
The Promo edition requires an internet connection when you export a mesh so RC can send some statistics.
The steam variation requires an always-on connection.
The steam edition also uses recurring payments to extend the license as far as I know. Never used it though as I prefer using the Promo edition.
Thanks for your answers ShadowTail.
So I can assume that there is no limit to purchase the Promo edition of an account?
Also without going to far away from the original questions. Can you view your created 3d models without third-party-software?
Dear Mr Hutten,
I replied to your exact same message sent via our contact form about 15 minutes ago. Let me repeat myself for other people interested in this topic:
Our Promo version is a temporary special offer which may be changed to a similar one in the future. However, we will always take into account smaller businesses, and in present you can still buy more Promo licenses in a row here: www.capturingreality.com/Product#Buy. One of our virtual resellers also offers this type of license with automatic subscription: http://store.steampowered.com/app/489180/
Not being able to process laser scans applies just to the PGM license. You can process laser scans with all other RC licenses.
Each RealityCapture Promo license can be used just for 3 months and it is just a temporary special offer, which may be changed in the future. RealityCapture PGM is a perpetual (permanent/full/lifetime) license. The Promo requires active internet connection during export, which is not true for the PGM. The Promo comes with no technical support regarding the software, whereas the PGM does include this one-to-one priority technical support free of charge. Both versions are limited to 2,500 inputs per project, and both include free updates of the software product. The PGM version does not allow laser-scan processing, but is possible with the Promo.
RealityCapture Steam license is a subscription-based floating version, which needs permanent online connection.
RealityCapture CLI is actually our most powerful software solution because it enables also automatic batch processing based on a computer script and it has no restrictions to the number and type of inputs. It is the only fully-featured application with the command-line interface. It further comes with priority 1:1 technical support and extra resources. You can try the CLI also in the Demo version for free. You can buy it for 1, 3, 6 or 12 months depending on the length of your project. The standard RealityCapture CLI is a 1-year license. RealityCapture (app / perpetual / lifetime) is a permanent license. Both of them include a year of free updates and priority technical support: https://www.capturingreality.com/terms#Support With the permanent version you can opt for another year (or more years) of free updates and priority technical support for 25% of the license price (for a year).
You can view the models directly in RealityCapture.
Thank you all for your reactions.
The answers given help me alot! I think I know enough to inform/advise my client.
“we will always take into account smaller businesses” - thank you Lubenko, that is a v important committment to read - although not exactly watertight!