Hello, a small team in our enterprise is working on a small vehicle simulator for product demonstration purposes.
The idea is for the player to interact with a real life vehicle to control a vehicle in the game(a car simulator basically).
While we are not planning to sell or distribute the game (hence not subject to any royalties), we are a bit troubled on the legal terms.
Are we allowed to do this ? Is there some restrictions to use the Unreal Engine 4 for such a purpose ?
Read EULA, everything is written there and it quite reable for non-lawyer person :
I think what you will be interested in is this part:
(iii) General Restrictions
You may not engage in any activity with respect to the Licensed Technology, including as incorporated into a Product, (1) for any gambling-related activities or Products (as defined by law in the jurisdiction of use); (2) for operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation, aircraft communication systems or air traffic control machines, or for military use in connection with live combat; (3) in violation of any applicable law or regulation; (4) in which the Licensed Technology is rented or leased; (5) that misappropriates any of Epic’s other products or services; (6) in support of a claim by you or any third party that the Licensed Technology infringes a patent. You also may not sell or grant a security interest in the Licensed Technology.
So as long as it not a “aircraft” (which drone can be interpreted as such) it should be fine. But again read whole EULA to see what you can and can’t do. Since you are “small team in enterprise” which maybe has access to lawyer you might ask them see if your application fits bounds of what EULA gives.
Whatever you do with UE4 you bound with same royalty payment rules, which is also clearly written in EULA what you need to pay for royalties and what not in section 5
As suggests, using UE4 to build a car simulator is not prohibited. Is there a specific concern you had with the EULA?