Product configurator:BP Config controller confusion

Hi all,
I was reversing engineering the Product Configurator:Guitar (PC:G) and I noticed I can not add the BP_Config Controller to my scene. If if drop in in my viewport, nothing happens… But if I drop it in the Original PC:G-scene, also nothing happens… I would expect that it would be added with a 2 behind it… It is also not visible…
BP_Config Controller is called in the BP_configGameMode, I have done the same, but if it really was missing in my scene, wouldn’t I get some kind of error?
When I play my scene in the editor the BP_Config Controller is missing in my scene.
And it is hidden in the PC:G scene.
Funny thing is that everything works fine in the standalone game…
I am so confused right now :slight_smile:
Can someone take a look and can shed some light on this, thanks in advance.

Sorry, what project is this from? I’ve never heard of Product Configurator. Is it a marketplace asset?

It was in the Learn Tab of Unreal engine, but it is gone now…
I have no idea if it will come back and be moved to the legacy projects…