Processing from a NAS extreme low speed


I have stored a set of images on my NAS, but the transfer speed to RC in horrendously slow. I have a 10GbE network setup with stable 500-600 MB/s transfer. Just adding a folder with 300 images took more than 3 minutes.  Comparison on copying directly to the machine, 13 GB in ~30 seconds.

Any idea why?

Hi Iulian,

I’ve found the same thing as you and decided that copying off the NAS onto local is just quicker. A NAS might be able to match transfer speed of a good SSD but it is never going to have as fast of a response time.

I could only assume its also because when windows does a file transfer it stacks up the individual requests to copy . So it will be able to ramp up to a decent speed once things are rolling.

When reality capture is importing and then analysing the photos, this ability to stack the requests probably isn’t possible, so it treats each file as its own request so there’s more overhead and thus a slower overall transfer speed. 





I’ve been trying to figure this out as well.

I ended giving up and copied the data to a local SSD for the time being so I can process the data.

What “Not Nick” said is true. Sequential read or write of large files to the NAS is very fast. Random file access of small files, is incredibly slow because of both the network and slow seek and access time on the hard drives in the NAS.

Maybe a NAS made with only SSD would be faster?