If its possible ,how can blueprint nodes and widget designer entities be created by script?
There is lot of situations when you could save lot of time by filling these editors by scripted scheme…
If its possible ,how can blueprint nodes and widget designer entities be created by script?
There is lot of situations when you could save lot of time by filling these editors by scripted scheme…
If its possible ,how can blueprint
nodes and widget designer entities be
created by script?
Wrap native widgets as custom ones, extending existing functionality by what is desired. Use widget’s PreConstruct to see it in the designer. Works well if you need to create grids or lists, or dynamic objects.
What is the commands to interact with designer?
(if im understanding correctly you mean to use preConstruct as initing event (as construction script for blueprints), but the question is how to get anything added to the designer or blueprints editor)
Not sure if I follow.
Are you asking how to create brand new widget elements? Then you’ll need to dig into [Slate][1].
For simple wrapped User Widgets you create new ones in the Content Browser and they’re available in the Designer immediately:
The whole thread is about adding them to designer ‘procedurally’ (that means by script for example (not manualy selecting in the pallete ui))
You spawn them in a loop, I don’t see a problem here:
Give you this, note there’s nothing in the hierarchy, all spawned dynamically:
Is this what you’re after. If that’s not it, consider adding more details, your expectations or, ideally, an example.
addChildTo ← thats the last piece, thanks
and is it possible to port the results of preConstruct to get the widgets into the hierarchy for later editing in designer?
Ah, I now understand what’re after. That’d be a useful feature in some cases but no, it’s not in the engine. You could create a macro and expose some of the widet’s settings to emulate this, thoght. But that’s not what you really want.
this could be done directly by inputting data in designer by some c++ script i guess, if thats right ,what could be a way to get all relevant related classnames (for writing the script)?