After scouring over the engine code, I am still 100% clueless about how to modify the heightmap at runtime. I realize that I wouldn’t be able to use lightmass for terrain anymore, but my game requires terrain generation at runtime.
Anyone have an idea on how I could approach this? There are very few comments in the source code in respect to Landscapes, nor is there ample amounts of documentation
Is there a way to build the world on a cloud server, and then send that to the player? Or am I stuck waiting for Epic to support it in the engine?
Edit: Sorta like load the heightmap into a pseudo editor on a cloud server, run lightmass/physics prebaking, then send the umap to the player. I understand the networking issues at play here, as I’ve already made a cloud server for AI prebaking. Would UE4 allow for this though
MatrixCompSci, I think that with enough C++ development you could do whatever you want…
But to get some advice from Epic you should absolutely ask your question to the Epic AnswerHub, with enough details, backgroud, and a link to this thread (and back-link it here for future reference).
I decided to implement my own terrain engine, dedicating 3 of my programmers to work on that for a few weeks. I see no other way to do this with the current state of the engine