Procedural Terrain Whenever a new game is played.

I’m Trying to make a game where you can use a seed number or a random number to generate a new map every time you play but I can’t find anything on how to do this. I might be looking up the wrong thing but I’m at a loses of where to look.

As far as I know the original landscape editor allows you only to manually edit terrain using brushes? You can implement a procedural mesh generator yourself though. Depending on what you need you might be interested in a voxel landscape generator (think minecraft) using instanced static meshes, or a procedural mesh generator for an entire landscape surface (think Diamond Square algorithm + Delaunay algorithm). There are a few tutorials on YT and projects on Github for that.

Thank you I will look into these I hope they work.

Hi there,
There is a free plugin that generates landscape using node-based material shaders. Perhaps you want to contact the developer and raise your questions.

Shader World Plugin : Getting Started LIVE | AMA - YouTube