Procedural Mesh: Slicing/Physics Problems


I’ve run into a problem with PCMs that I can’t figure out. I’ve set them up so that a cube spawns as a normal SM with a PCM nested under it. The PCM is then copied with ‘create collision’ on, using the SM, and the SM is destroyed. During this phase, ‘Use complex as simple collision’ is disabled.

On the FP BP I have a slicing plane at the end of the weapon. I’m able to slice the cube and offset the new piece but here’s my issue:

Collision Settings:
I created a new channel called ‘slicer’ that overlaps everything.
With ‘Use complex as simple collision’ off, i’m unable to slice the PM.
With ‘Use complex as simple collision’ on, I’m able to slice the PM

Physics Simulation:
With ‘Use complex as simple collision’ off, physics works but the mesh falls through the floor.
With ‘Use complex as simple collision’ on, physics does not work.

So i end up in a situation where the cube can be sliced but doesn’t fall out of the air, or the cube falls out of the air through the floor.

Can anyone advise me here?

I’ve zipped up my project incase anyone call help out (4.15) - Google Drive