Hi there, I have searched around for this but unable to find any information. I have built a tool for generating procedural mesh via the UProceduralMeshComponent, but I would like to allow the users to also automatically generate the LOD directly from my component, I have generated the lod versions of the mesh code-wise, but how do I insert them into the procedural mesh component so when the user clicks create static mesh it will save the lods inside of the mesh output?
I’m not sure if this will help, but I bought instaLOD and it built it’s functionality though the static mesh’s lod settings within the asset itself. It’s enabled through the Project Settings -> Editor -> Mesh Reduction box. This is probably where you’ll want to tie into.
Hi, thanks for reply, I have already generated the lod mesh vertices/polys, but I just don’t know how to place them inside of the output mesh component, I would like to avoid using any configurations that users will have to fiddle with.
Basically, my lods are generated procedurally without using any kind of vertex division, so I just really need to combine the procedural meshes together to create the lod group.