Procedural holes in mesh


I’m making a golf game and wanted to place the hole procedurally at a location in the golf green mesh.

I’m wondering if it can be done through procedural mesh editing but im getting in a right mess with the verts tris uvs and normals. this really isn’t my thing. Ideally, I would like to place a cylinder above the hole location, trace down and create the hole in the mesh plane.

I’ve managed to cobble something together but it ain’t pretty. As you can probably guess by looking at the shadow i’ve sliced the living daylights out of that mesh and deleted the center bit. Does anyone know how to recombine procedural meshes once sliced? or can anyone think of a better way?

Why don’t you leave? This is the landscape and the player will not see what is under it. You can create a procedurally generated landscape in which there will be cavities in which you will place your Procederal Mesh landscape. Put so that was a smooth transition.I made an example using BSP geometry. But you can use the precedural mesh instead. And how did you make the hole? Can you share your bp or c ++ code?