Procedural Flowers Rendering Question


Suppose I want to render hundreds of flowers. Each one of them have a stem and bunch of petals (hundred-ish like dandelion). I want each instance to have petals at different angles (and maybe some other randomization) so that it would not be the exact same copy. And also I want stems to be able to bend with the wind (while petals would just “statically” follow the stem’s movement).

My thought was to make each flower mesh with randomization using procedural mesh. But I assume it’d not be a good thing permormance wise.

Second idea was to make copies of “stem mesh” each having copies of “petal mesh” on top of it and then apply vertex offset for stem in shader but the assumption is that I won’t be able to get the modified stem top position from the shader so that petals would follow it.

Am I correct in my assumptions?

And what would be a performant way to implement such objects?
