Procedural environment in blueprint or houdini engine

Hi everyone, I’m very new to learning unreal but have a few years of experience working with Houdini.

I’m trying to setup an environment where every time you play the level will be different base on some random and switching between different models.

I’m wondering if there is any difference setting that up in Houdini engine vs blueprint? I’m assuming that setting up in Houdini engine will not work cause when the player is running the game they do not have Houdini license to generate the randomized asset. Any thoughts on this?

So if your looking for generating procedural levels at run time in Unreal, your not going to be able to use Houdini, at least not yet. Houdini Engine so far does not have run time support due to how its built and license issues. This is something they are actively looking into because who doesn’t want to leverage Houdini at run time right?