So here is my issue at the moment. I am trying to create a procedural cave system in houdini to bring into unreal. The object works no problem except the fact that the collisions fail on most of the asset. I am trying to generate the collisions within the engine but once you go below ground enough, the character will enter a void and that is it. I have to restart the game.
I have set the collisions to complex but simple or something like that. ( per polygon collisions? ) All of the normals are pointing in the correct direction so I cant imagine that being the problem.
If anyone wants to check out the object, here it is. ( it also does not bake lighting properly but it also does not have proper uvs, so i will disregard that for now.
At the same time, as I sad above about the lighting after building lights, does teh lighting look ugly only because the second uv set is non existent or has a few overlapping uvs? would that corrupt the final result? I am curious. I would love to solve all of these issues. Would be cool to get this working with houdini engine for ue4.
Sounds like the “KillZ” setting. By default it’s set to -1000, which means that whenever your character gets to -1000 in the Z axis, the game will kill him. Increase that value (under World Settings).
Click the “Show” button on the upper left of the viewport, and check the Collision box. It should render your collision as a teal wireframe over your mesh if you’re using Complex as Simple. That should help you debug your issue.
Keep in mind you should definitely replace the Complex as Simple collision eventually, as it does have a performance impact.
Yes, you need proper UVs for the baked lighting to look right.
I’ve had a look at the cave asset. With an object like this it would probably be in your best interest to break it into smaller more modular pieces that snap together, if possible. The lightmap will be a cause for concern with large objects though. The larger the object the higher the lightmap resolution will need to be to get quality shadows. Having the asset broken up into smaller chunks can allow for smaller lightmap resolutions and retain better quality.
It’s continually being added to with some of the more common questions about lighting that come up. It also needs to have the formatting redone since the upgraded format for the Wiki has taken effect, so please forgive some of the formatting issues that are presently there.
I normally come from film/commercials and slowly learning game stuff. keep it up guys! This level of support is amazing. It makes things so much easier on the user end.
I gotta say that I almost feel like epic should have kept the option to keep subscribing. Instead of it being used for engine development, the money could have gone toward support/ a teaching department/ blueprint dev/share.
Give you guys some more money to work with I absolutely love what you guys have been doing with the engine over the last year and the training/manuals, etc. I feel that my money spent was worth all of that more so than just the tools being developed.