Hi Guys ,
I have been working on creating a procedural building constructor for the past three days. If I am able to achieve what I have planned to do , this pack will have following features -
1>Creating walls , exterior and interior , procedurally , with holes for doors and windows.
2>Creating ceiling, floors , and multiple storeys
3>Adding custom meshes and aligning them , individually or in array , to further customize the look and feel.
4>Adding doors and window meshes and aligning them to feet the respective holes
5>Setting up materials for each individual portion and tiling, rotating the textures as you see feet
6>Creating balconies , individually or in array.
7>Creating roof and modifying the shape of the roof as desired.
8>Adding components on roof(water tank , antenna , etc)
9>Adding stairs every story(unplanned due to level of difficulty)
10>Creating custom shaped roofs(Gambrel , Mansard , gable?) (unplanned due to level of difficulty)
Below is a video of a very early demonstration of the Facade editor - This just creates the main wall , door and window holes, and basic rectangular parts. Please watch it at 1080p otherwise it wont be clear.
This was entirely made in Blueprint.
Hope you like it.