Procedural/ Auto Landscape materials (and someday biomes)

I spent quite a while going through tons of tutorials on landscape materials, but I couldn’t find anything on auto biome creation. I thought this was a little strange… I’ve been working with ue4 for a while now, and so I know plenty of places to look… I know there are auto-materials on the marketplace, butI didn’t really want to be spending too much money, so it became necessary for me to figure it out…the other thing was that although there were singular biomes, there weren’t any proceduraly combined…
I’ve spent quite a bit of time lately working out the landscapes in and outs on materials…and while I’m not the greatest, I think I’m starting to get somewhere pretty good in the ways of proceduraly generated materials…

I now have angle blended materials with about 10 blended material functions and am starting to implement blending based on world height…

I figured I would start posting pics to get some feedback.

first 3 materials blended on angle

I’ve been rewriting the main shader and removing as many layers as possible, so that I can have single material layers to paint with after compiling all of the others…

this is 4 materials in 1 layer blended for height and angle… still a bit more work to get the other 5 in that I already had before…

and now here is 5… still only one layer…one more thing…this is with tessellation turned off (mainly so I don’t have to wait as long for shaders to compile…
its already graphed in…just shut off)

So I’ve been going over this nearly everyday and now have at least 5 complete rewrites…just trying to get everything right.

When I first started with this I didn’t know about the layer limits, or the texture sample limits…I just knew that supposedly you could have 128 different textures…Let me tell you though, making informed, logical , decisions about the structure of an auto material is tough… especially when trying for different biomes, and still have the ability to paint individual textures where needed…

I believe I’ll have another pic or 2 tonight…
hope somebody likes it… Thin k I’m also going to try including deform-able snow… not sure…we’ll see…

Looks good so far. Cannot wait to see where you are at now :slight_smile: