I have been watching tutorials since I installed UE 3 days ago. Spent almost 20 hours on tuts, and now I have ran into a problem.
I have been trying to recreate this tutorial but I get stuck at 2:09 where tutor calls upon custom event “Move Up” which I can not find.
My guess he created it before hand, and hence my knowledge is limited, I would appreciate if someone could point me towards the right direction. (Something simplified for beginners, if possible).
“Move Up” is a Custom Event. He created this event in ShrubMove blueprint.
Yeah, I figured that out after a while, but still it isnt working. I can recreate the 2nd part of the tutorial, where he moves all actors. But I can not move a single one… Depressing 
I found problem. Need Change Collision Preset to OverlapAll in ShrubMover BP.
What they picture said is right haha… Iv been having my own problems with BP oh the frustration…Try not having events call that are on a tick…OMG.