Problems with widget displaying inside of an switch widget

I am trying to make an Inventory system with two separate widgets. An Inventory and a crafting widget. I am trying to switch between these two widgets with a switch widget by pressing buttons in the Base widget. I have added Overlays in the base widget, because without them the components wouldn’t load correctly, and I would get an “Accessed None trying to read property” error.

However, when I try to run it, all the Widgets that are in the Inventory and Crafting widgets are overlapping and shown at the same position. The size of the big Inventory and Crafting widgets that should be shown is also too small.

I don’t know what I am doing wrong or if what I am doing is the right approach. I am fairly new and would appreciate help. If something is unclear, I would be happy to try to answer.
Thanks in advance. advice is.
before adding widgets can try manually adding the widgets.dragging and placing to test.
that way you can get a clear picture of what they would look in mind.

So in your widget switcher, the inventory and craft windows need to have some sort of grid panel in them, id recommend a wrap box as the other grid layouts are kind of a pain to setup. Then add each inventory or crafting items as a child to those

heres the BP i use to add each inventory item in mine