Problems with using the new chaos visual debugger

Hi All, I am having trouble using the new chaos visual debugger to debug a physics based project I am currently working on. The release overview of the debugger makes it look like exactly what I need to visualize and identify what is going on in the physics engine.

The trouble I am having is that none of the “Show” flags have any effect, no information is displayed in the viewport, only a flat shaded view of the collision meshes. I have tried enabling/disabling most flags and the only ones I have found to have any effect is the particle color mode.

It seems to me that I am missing an overall parent Flag/Console variable to enable the display of all of this information. As this is a very recent addition there doesnt seem to be much material out there about using the tool. Any insights would be much appreciated.

This is in a Lyra based project

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Ok I’ve just figured this out. For anyone else that runs in to trouble heres the secret. Under Show->ViewPort Vizualization each of the drop down menus has an Enable Draw Flag alongside the others. Once that is Added for each list all the debug information draws fine.

All working now. Happyness!

Hi Flon, sorry I just saw this. I am glad you figured it out.

For Lyra in particular I also recommend enabling the geometry visualization flags for Complex and Query Only geometry

We are remaking that menu and other parts of the UI to make it easier to navigate, have saving support and lastly, have better defaults settings that work out of the box in projects like Lyra, but that will come in the next version of UE.

Meanwhile I will add a callout for this case in the Chaos Visual Debugger User Guide .

That user guide also has a list of known issues at the end of the page.

Thank you for mentioning what was the problem and how you made it work.