Problems with spine and pelvis retarget

After retarget spine and pelvis animations are gone

Hello @Atom_Thunder !

This is my setup:

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Hi, I put “Globally Scaled” on pelvis and it worked

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I have another question, how can I remove this distance between the floor and the character?

And how can I make a smooth transition between animations in BlendSpace?

Hey @Atom_Thunder!

I would double check your character mesh relative to your capsule component. The bottom of your character’s feet should line up with the very bottom of that component.


If that is not a problem, then try adjusting the z value on your model/animations.

I hope this points you the correct direction!

Ey @Atom_Thunder
Sorry the delay!

There is several solutions, but this is not happening to me, I guess is because of the target actor scale, take a look:

The solution from @Quetzalcodename is good is all your animations are retargeted.

Another is to edit the animation, move the root and create a key :thinking:

If you need to edit the animation, sure is going to happen, is easy!
Just transform the bone, add a key and save

Hi. I’ve done the same with my setup. Pelvis as retarget root. Tried global scale translation. The pelvis just wont move. My skeleton is from accurig if that means anything.