I’ve been trying for days getting my clients to replicate pawn rotation, but I have not been able getting a working BP.
I have search the forums etc. and found a few other people also struggling with this. So I tried rebuilding my BP like the suggested solutions people a posted in those threads…
But still not working… I’m only able to get the server to show the client rotation correctly, or the client is “jittering” and looks like the pawn fighting against the new rotation.
I got replicate movement enabled on the pawn.
This my Pawn rotation BP:
This is the macro getting the new rotation:
On the screenshot the server apply rotation event and actor rotation is not connected… This was just me testing and forgot to reconnect…
I’ve tried do like the solution here:
But i had to make a few changes… I’m doing this from the controller and my default player pawn is a blank BP with just a camera and attached to my spawned player pawn. So I’m using a variable with reference to my spawned player pawn.
Can someone please tell/show me what I’m doing wrong?