The problem is that I need to import the mesh, not animations. If I delete intermediate files from the project I get the skeleton mesh import dialog back, but after a while I get the animation import dialog again. What am I doing wrong here?
To get the mesh and no animations you need to import the FBX with the option for Mesh and Skeletal Mesh selected. Uncheck the box for import animations and you should be set.
When I select an FBX to be imported, I check “Import as Skeletal”. When I tick that box, the dialog changes to the one above. As you can see, there is no way to go back to the previous dialog, or untick animation import. The only option is to select a skeleton and import animations, or cancel.
As said, importing works when I delete intermediate files from the project. But after a while the dialog gets broken again.
I am testing importing animations, and am therefore importing, deleting, tweaking in Blender, and re-importing a lot. Could this somehow mess up the editor?
This workaround of deleting files did not work for me when the Import dialog gets locked-up like this. What did work was editing EditorUserSettings.ini within the project concerned and setting bImportMesh=False (yes, False). Next time the Import Dialog opens the Import Mesh options will then be visible. Hope that helps until the bug is resolved.
I just had this issue (4.7.4) and here’s how I fixed it:
Find your EngineUserSettings.ini in the /Intermediate/Config/CoalescedSouceConfigs folder.
Under the heading [/Script/UnrealEd.FbxImportUI]
Set bImportRigidMesh=True
Restart and import again. I noticed the ini will re-write this value to false, but at least the dialogue worked correctly. No idea why it does this, but it worked for me! Good luck!