Hello! I am making a box uv projection mapping tool in UE 5.1 so I can apply a box UV projection to several static meshes at the same time. Everything is working great, but I am having a bit of trouble with rotating the UV box.
I am using the node “Generate Box UVChannel” and for the orientation input I am using user specified values from spin boxes. My thought was that you could write whatever value you want and rotate the box projection that amount and the uvs would follow. But I am having a problem: When for example the Y value is changed to 90, all the textures on faces pointing Y get rotated 90 degrees, but all other faces are stretched. When all the values are at 0, there is no stretching.
Here is the blueprint:
This is when the rotation is all 0:
And then when rotated 90 degrees on the Y axis, as you can see, the Y facing face is rotated correctly, but all other sides are stretched:
What am I doing wrong? I am having a hard time finding documentation on the Generate Box UVChannel node and as I am still new to blueprints I dont know what I am missing.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!