After importing mesh to UE it looks fine in ref pose but deformed while animating.
I noticed that I can make it look almost right if I manually rotate twist bones at about 40 degrees. Azis seem to differ for different bones - Z only, or Z and Y sometimes.
But after that model is screwed in ref pose.
Is there any way to solve this? I’d really like to keep using twist bones to prevent wrist and shoulder twisting.
Found a solution at Unity forums, they have exact same problems with twist bones.
It seems that the problem occurs because twist for particular bone is at the same level with it and should be it’s child to work properly in UE4.
For example, default biped hierarchy is
-Bip001 R UpperArm
--Bip001 R Forearm
--Bip001 R ForeTwist
should be
-Bip001 R UpperArm
--Bip001 R Forearm
---Bip001 R ForeTwist