I followed the workflow guide how to texture using 16bit files, everything seemed to be working fine, but when i texture in the colour layer its showing as only 32bit BGRA and in the export dialogue no HDR version is present.
I thought both 8bit and 16bit would texture as per the workflow guide , so I think there is something wrong or io am doing something wrong.
Images are all exported as Tiff 16bit with zip compression, converted during import to RC.
Any one else have this problem and is there any fixes, or ideas as to what i need to be doing to get 16bit textures working
It should work also with with original files option. After the conversion, can you check one image in 2D view and push the TAB key? If you will see the geometry and texture image?
If so, the two options for texturing should be available.
Clearly something i have done during the process has borked it.
I will convert a smaller data set over and trouble shoot, the data set i am running has 600 50mpx images so its a pain to keep reprocessing, i will use one from our body rig to trouble shoot it.
I will keep you updated on the progress, i am sure its something simple, but i cant figure it out as i pretty much followed the workflow guide
The only difference i can see is that the larger data set was exported from lightroom as HDR REC, @ 16bit the smaller data set was exported SRGB @ 16bit - will export the larger data set using SRGB @ 16bit and see if that was the problem
Ok i think that was the problem, the export setting in light room should be SRGB @ 16bit - checking the HDR box and setting to REC will cause reality capture to not read the 16bit tiffs for texturing