Problems Whit replications.

I made a game where you can pick up and swao items. And it replicates just fine… Sometimes. sometimes i dosent replicate, but why is this happening?? does anyone know?? The code its just good. and it works, but why sometimes the client gets worng information? even open a door desync for no reason. what can I do abot this?

Have to see code showing how you interact and pickup/swap.

The actual picking up & swapping should happen on the server. The items being picked need to be replicated actors.

I didnt mention it but i wanted to mean this: When i swap an item It works fine on the server but in the clinet it becomes visible in the player location. and it doesnt get placed in the new location for the client.

This is the mistake you have made that we can see now.
To find the problem with your code, you will probably need to post it.