Problems while Changing the Collision Capsule Size while dashing


My dash looks somehow like this one:
Basically my animation makes my character Size to cut his height by half.
When I use the “Set Capsule Size” Blueprint Node for the dash, it goes well. But when the dash ends, the “Set Capsule Size” sets the default value and my character gets stuck in the ground (ex: with the idle animation where the character is standing). I was searching for a way to move the capsule with blueprints, but I couldn’t find any way.

How do I solve this problem?

Thanks in advance!

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  • make line trace from character center to the ground to get distance.

  • compare it with capsule height to get difference.

  • adjust current position according to that difference.

  • profit!

or you can use a capsule trace to make sure it dowsnt get stuck in a place big enough to fit the line but too small for the capsule