Problems when importing from blender

I am attempting to import a skeletal mesh from blender into unreal 4. Here’s the mesh posed in blender:

and then here it is with a similar pose(plus a rotated thigh) inside UE4.

Now obviously there’s something wrong here. The mesh is way too small, the axis is messed up, and the bones only deform their vertex group instead of the whole limb.

I used riggify in blender to make the rig.
I’ve been searching through documentation and tutorials for hours, but no luck yet. Any ideas?

  1. Check your bone rotations. Armature → Bone Roll → Recalculate Roll

  2. For skeletal Meshes, be sure you’re using FBX 6.1 ASCII

  3. Set Scale to a larger value like 10 or 20 in FBX export options

  4. Check “Apply Modifiers”

  5. Be sure ONLY Armature and Mesh are selected for export.

  6. Check Tangent Space in export options

  7. Check Selected Objects in export options (Be sure to have mesh and skeleton rig selected first)

Also, be sure when you are done, in Object mode, select your mesh, hit Ctrl + A, then Apply Rotation and Scale, same with Rig. I usually use a root bone and name it RootNode for the rig.

Thank you for your help. This fixed the import problems, but not the skeleton issues. For anyone else having this problem, make sure your deformation bones are visible and that “only deformation bones” is checked in the exporter.

When importing, check use TOA reference pose. I got a popup asking if I wanted to merge bones, and clicking no hasn’t had any side effects yet.

EDIT: it seems to invalidate the skeleton. Clicking yes seems to work.

Also, it seems there are two bones per section, one label ORG and one labeled DEF. This makes modifying animations inconvenient in-editor, but should be no problem with animations made in blender.

Glad I was able to at least help w/ half the issue lol. Thx for posting more to the solution, this actually helps me out with a couple small issues I was having as well.