I’m fairly new to Unreal, and looking at the workflow for a team of developers where some are making changes to the engine/editor and others just need to get the resulting binaries. Hence I’m using the AutomationTool and the InstalledEngineBuild.xml script. It mostly works, but I’ve run into a couple of problems, so any advice would be greatly appreciated:
- Building some C# projects such as iPhonePackager.csproj causes an error because they (seem to) try to overwrite DotNETUtilities.dll which is locked. I’m assuming that the AutomationTool exe itself has them locked? I’ve tried running the automation tool from a different location, but it finds files like the csproj’s locally to itself so that doesn’t seem to be an option.
- I think a similar thing happens during the “Compile Stripped UAT” Node. It produces an error like this: Unable to copy file “obj\Development\MobileDeviceInterface.dll” to “…......\Binaries\DotNET\IOS\MobileDeviceInterface.dll”. Access to the path ‘…......\Binaries\DotNET\IOS\MobileDeviceInterface.dll’ is denied. [C:\ProjectZero\mainline\UE4\Saved\StrippedUAT\Engine\Source\Programs\IOS\MobileDeviceInterface\MobileDeviceInterface.csproj]
Am I going about this the wrong way? My plan is to push the LocalBuilds folder into Perforce and then have a virtual stream for artists that just has that rather than the normal UE4 directory containing all the engine source.
If I were to get this working, is there any documentation on how to use the distributed build feature of the automation tool, or how best to integrate this kind of thing into a CI pipeline?
Thanks in advance,