Hello, I feel like I am trying to do something impossible, but I want to see if anyone has any insights anyways. I am trying to create a hit detection component and allow the user to specify what sockets they want to use for tracing. I’ve setup a struct with a component name and socket name property and I’m trying to use the GetOptions meta specifier to generate an array of names for the components.
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, DisplayName="Component", meta=(GetOptions="HitDetection.HitDetectionComponent.GetOwnerComponents"))
FString ComponentName;
FName Socket;
I found a function from this post that gets all the components from a blueprint generated class. Here is my slightly modified version:
TArray<FString> UHitDetectionComponent::GetOwnerComponents()
UObject* OwnerObject = GetOwner();
TArray<FString> Result = {};
UBlueprintGeneratedClass* BlueprintGeneratedClass = Cast<UBlueprintGeneratedClass>(OwnerObject);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Gets here"))
if (!BlueprintGeneratedClass) return Result;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Gets here too"))
TArray<UObject*> DefaultObjectSubobjects;
// Search for ActorComponents created from C++
for (UObject* DefaultSubObject : DefaultObjectSubobjects)
if (DefaultSubObject->IsA(USceneComponent::StaticClass()))
// Search for ActorComponents created in Blueprint
for (USCS_Node* Node : BlueprintGeneratedClass->SimpleConstructionScript->GetAllNodes())
if (Node->ComponentClass->IsChildOf(USceneComponent::StaticClass()))
return Result;
The problem is it requires a call to GetOuter() which isn’t allowed for static classes (Since I’m using a struct the GetOptions needs to point to a static function).
I tried to set a static OwningObject variable in the constructor but it seems to fail to cast it to a UBlueprintGeneratedClass.
I also tested with just an internal string using non static functions and it works just fine, but I can’t pair the socket names with that.
Any Suggestions?