In my method, I set a box collision on index finger, and turn collision present to overlap all. If collision happened, set a boolean to true like below.
After overlap was detected, use ray cast to detect hit result, and more information.
However, I have some problems while finishing my demo.
First, line trace will soon launch once I start my demo, and I must touch something to reset the status, then can just back to normal.
I have added status judgments nodes in many places to avoid such situation, but it seems not feasible.
Second, after I set the boolean to 0 once event begin, and add a branch before line trace, the touching detection either can’t work, even I am touching stuff. It seems because I tried to use a bottom to reset this pre touch status. After I disconnect this node, just turn back to the first problem.
I am still worrying about it because it is important for me.