Problems about FRuntimeFloatCurve UPROPERTY

I create a UPROPERTY which type is FRuntimeFloatCurve.

I have three problems now:

  1. How to make FRuntimeFloatCurve unmodifiable? I try this way but it still can edit in ue4 editor.

        UPROPERTY(AssetRegistrySearchable, VisibleAnywhere, Category = "Curve")
            FRuntimeFloatCurve Curve;
  2. How to let the keys(points) be hidden? These keys(points) are too obvious for my curve.


  1. I add these keys by “AddKey” function and the curve is smooth.

    h0 = FKeyHandle();
    Curve.EditorCurveData.AddKey(x0, y0, true, h0);
    Curve.EditorCurveData.SetKeyTangentMode(h0, ERichCurveTangentMode::RCTM_User);
    Curve.EditorCurveData.SetKeyInterpMode(h0, ERichCurveInterpMode::RCIM_Cubic);

But after I use “UpdateOrAddKey” function to update these keys, it has bad tangents.

Curve.EditorCurveData.UpdateOrAddKey(x0, y0, true, 0.1);

Does anyone knows how to fix these three problems?