Quand j’essai de peindre avec l’outil “Landscape Paint”, impossible pour moi de peindre sur le terrain. Je n’ai aucun shader dans mes layers qui s’affiche, alors que j’ai bien créée un matériau “LandPaint”, en attribuant toutes mes textures dedans.
Pour finir je l’ai assigné au “Landscape Material”, mais rien ne fonctionne…
Sorry then. Common issue if too many texture sampler-addresses/slots are being used, it won’t paint the layer.
And before coffee apparently, I completely misread the issue, um, you have no layers defined in your landscape. They are all ‘none’. Give them names, and rebuild your level. See if your named-layers pop up.
The landscape system looks at the assigned material. If you are doing a landscape-layer-blend with layer ‘X’, or sampling from a layer with name ‘Y’, it should pick those out and provide named-layer slots in the editor.
Make each of your layer-names unique. The idea is you would have logic for a rock layer, a dirt layer, etc. When you want to add alpha, you reference the named-slot you set up and it gets a painter w/same name.