Sorry for this noob question but I when I wanted to use VInterp To node to SetActorLocation and I searched and find out I should use Tick to interpolating values. But my setup is looking strange, it always prints same vector with a little difference. Can you tell me if I’m doing something wrong here?
Everything is fine. The thing is, when you actually use the Vinterp To node as intended, you connect an actor’s location to it, and with each tick that location changes by the Interp Speed value. In your case upon each tick the Vinterp To node starts all over from 100x100x100.
Tuerer means, I think, that for the Current location pin, you should plug in the actual Actor’s World Location so each tick, the VinterpTo gets the current location of the Actor, and moves it a little closer to the Target location. Otherwise it keeps trying to move it a little bit away from 100,100,100 which is basically like resetting it to that spot every Tick.