I’m trying to use Unreal Game Sync tool for distributing precompiled Engine to the team.
So far I was able to create Zipped Binaries as described in UGS reference, but when I started using the tool here’s the problems I ran into:
UGS is not able to load my .uproject file if it’s not under my UE4 root directory.
Is it a hard requirement or am I safe to proceed with editing UGS code to search for the engine root elsewhere?
Is there a config file maybe that allows UGS to use predefined engine directory? -
Even if I move my project under UE4 root dir, I have another problem of UGS not seeing any submitted precompiled engine binaries, which leads me to a guess that zipped binaries also have to be located in the engine root? Because I used a separate stream to store them, which is not under my UE4 root.
Thank you!