Problem with using Unreal Game Sync tool


I’m trying to use Unreal Game Sync tool for distributing precompiled Engine to the team.
So far I was able to create Zipped Binaries as described in UGS reference, but when I started using the tool here’s the problems I ran into:

  1. UGS is not able to load my .uproject file if it’s not under my UE4 root directory.
    Is it a hard requirement or am I safe to proceed with editing UGS code to search for the engine root elsewhere?
    Is there a config file maybe that allows UGS to use predefined engine directory?

  2. Even if I move my project under UE4 root dir, I have another problem of UGS not seeing any submitted precompiled engine binaries, which leads me to a guess that zipped binaries also have to be located in the engine root? Because I used a separate stream to store them, which is not under my UE4 root.

Thank you!

I debugged UGS and figured there are a lot of hardcoded assumptions about the folder structure of the project and whatnot.
We decided not to use UGS for now, but basically when we decide to transfer to UGS, the tool will need a lot of modifications to work with our workflow.